Coaching, Self-Assessment, and Reflection Opportunities


Peer coaching

  • Peer mentoring/feedback on current challenges or concerns

Leadership Competencies Self-Assessment and Improvement Goals

  • Self-assess current proficiency in seven leadership competency domains
  • Identify areas to strive for improvement and applied skills at the conclusion of the program
  • Evaluate success in achieving improvements/skills noted at initial assessment

Professional development coaching

  • Online assessment to identify natural talents/strengths
  • Review personalized report with coach to discuss professional development opportunities

Performance coaching

  • Promote self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses
  • Leverage strengths
  • Identify gaps in performance
  • Discuss strategies to close or narrow gaps in performance
  • Enhance goal setting abilities
  • Drive performance based upon goals
  • Use the coaching platform to try out new behaviors (practice field)
  • Understand the perceptions of others
  • Manage the perception of others by engaging in respectful, high impact interpersonal relationships
  • Engage in self-reflection and change regarding the costs of leadership such as a lack of sleep, lack of social support, lack of delegation, and lack of constructive coping behaviors placing the leader at risk of burnout

Reflection Paper

  • Describe what you’ve learned about yourself throughout the learning experience
    • include terms of ROI to your practice environment/patient care
    • include reference to your personal wellbeing

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