Mission Statement

As the voice of Pennsylvania’s physicians, the Pennsylvania Medical Society advances physician leadership and advocates for the ethical practice of medicine, quality patient care, and the public’s health.

Vision Statement

To be an engaged, inclusive, knowledge-driven medical society that advocates for the interests of all Pennsylvania physicians and their patients.

Strategic Plan

In 2022 the Board of Directors and senior leadership decided to enter a strategic planning process.


On April 11, 1848, sixty-one men representing the county medical societies and medical schools throughout Pennsylvania, set in motion the plans to establish a state medical society and elected Samuel Humes, MD of Lancaster as its first president.

House of Delegates

The House of Delegates (HOD) is our annual business meeting. Members attend as delegates on behalf of component specialty organizations, special sections, or county medical societies and vote on policy that will become the focus of PAMED initiatives and legislative efforts at the Capitol. The business is conducted based on the PAMED bylaws.

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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees oversees the operations of PAMED and meets quarterly to set the direction of the organization and provide management on the resources needed to advance its goals. In addition, the Executive Committee meets regularly as needed. The Board’s purpose is to work with members and PAMED management to advance its vision.

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Special Sections

PAMED’s special sections represent unique groups of members (early career, international medical graduates, medical students, residents/fellows, and women) and are a great way your membership allows you to network with your peers. Connect with others like you.

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PAMED Family

The Heart + The Muscle + The Backbone = The Body of Strength
This equation gets to the core of these issues. To thrive, Pennsylvania medicine requires each part of the equation to make the whole — the Body of Strength. Without each piece, our body isn’t as strong and effective. Let us introduce you to the PAMED Family.

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Kristen Sandel, MD Presidential Initiative - Joy In Medicine
AmeriTrust Connect
GRC Leaderboard
Merchant Advocate
Panacea Ad
Safety Ace
How White Coats Work
DEA Regulations