
PAMED's MOC Statement of Principles

Last Updated: Feb 24, 2023

The Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) created the following principles on Maintenance of Certification (MOC) during the 2014 House of Delegates:
  • PAMED is committed to lifelong learning, cognitive expertise, practice quality improvement, and adherence to the highest standards of medical practice.
  • PAMED supports a process of continuous learning and improvement based on evidence-based guidelines, national standards, and best practices, in combination with customized continuing education.
  • The MOC process should be designed to identify performance gaps and unmet needs, providing direction and guidance for improvement in physician performance and delivery of care.
  • The MOC process should be evaluated periodically to measure physician satisfaction, knowledge uptake and intent to maintain or change practice.
  • Board certificates should have lifetime status, with MOC used as a tool for continuous improvement.
  • The MOC program should not be associated with hospital privileges, insurance reimbursements or network participation.
  • The MOC program should not be required for Maintenance of Licensure (MOL).
  • Specialty boards, which develop MOC standards, may approve curriculum, but should be independent from entities designing and delivering that curriculum, and should have no financial interest in the process.
  • A majority of specialty board members who are involved with the MOC program should be actively practicing physicians directly engaged in patient care.
  • MOC activities and measurement should be relevant to real world clinical practice.
  • The MOC process should not be cost prohibitive or present barriers to patient care.

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