
Department of State Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations; Proposed Official Forms

Last Updated: Feb 6, 2025

The Department of State (Department), Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations (Bureau) proposes to amend 19 Pa. Code Appendix C (relating to official forms). This proposal introduces two new forms based on the enactment of Act No. 122 of 2022. Section 5 of Act 122 (relating to annual reports) became effective January 3, 2024. Under 15 Pa.C.S. § 146(c) and (h) (relating to annual report), annual reports begin with the calendar year after which an entity or association first becomes subject to this section, for example, January 1, 2025.

Form DSCB: 15-146 (Annual Report)

This form is for the purpose of reporting the continued existence and operation of associations registered with the Department. The annual report requires the name, jurisdiction of formation, Department identifier number, registered office and principal office addresses, the name of at least one governor and the names and titles of the principal officers, if any. The types of domestic and foreign associations that must file an annual report include: business corporations; nonprofit corporations; limited liability companies; limited partnerships; limited liability general partnerships; electing partnerships; professional associations; and business trusts. The annual report deadlines for filing the report are based on the type of association. Corporations must file during the period from January 1 to June 30; limited liability companies must file between January 1 and September 30; all other association types must file in the period from January 1 to December 31. The fee for the annual report is $7 for associations with a for-profit purpose. Fees are not charged for annual reports filed by associations with a not-for-profit purpose. An annual report must be made each year, beginning with the calendar year after which an association first registers with the Department.

Form DSCB: 15-146(f) (Annual Report Update—Change in Information)

This form is for the purpose of changing any information previously reported on an annual report (Form DSCB: 15-146). The annual report update allows the association to update information related to names of governors, names and titles of principal officers, registered office address and principal office address. This form may be used only to update a previously filed annual report made in the same calendar year. No fee is charged for this form.

These forms and instructions will be published in 19 Pa. Code Appendix C. Even though Rule 2.12(a) of the Pennsylvania Code and Bulletin Style Manual recommends that forms be referenced in regulations rather than adopted in regulations, 15 Pa.C.S. § 133 requires that the forms and instructions be published in the Pennsylvania Code.

The proposed forms are effective January 1, 2025.

This notice can be found in the December 14, 2024, edition of the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

For more information, please visit the PA Department of State website:

Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations; Proposed Official Forms- February 1, 2025 Notice

The Department of State (Department), Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations (Bureau) proposes to amend 19 Pa. Code Appendix C (relating to official forms). This proposal revises one of the existing forms and instructions promulgated by the Department and currently published in the Pennsylvania Code.

Form DSCB: 15-8221/8998 (Certificate of Annual Registration)

This form is updated every 3 years to reflect the change in base annual registration fees payable by limited liability partnerships, limited liability limited partnerships and restricted professional companies. The previously referenced form and instructions, which are currently published in 19 Pa. Code Appendix C, are being deleted and replaced with the revised form set forth in Annex A. 

The proposed form will be effective upon final-form publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

Public Comment

The Department invites interested persons to submit written comments, suggestions or objections regarding this proposal to Martha H. Brown, Assistant Counsel, Department of State, 306 North Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120, within 30 days following publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Reference ''Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations—Official Forms'' when submitting comments.

For more information, please review the February 1, 2025, edition of the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

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