PAMED Resource Library

PAMED Members use our Resource Library to quickly find our key resources and benefits. Log in to easily access Members Only content. As always, contact PAMED at 800-228-7823 is here for you if you aren't finding what you need!

Search Error

We're sorry there was an error conducting your search. Please try your search again.
If you continue to get this message please contact your administrator.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <lst name="responseHeader"> <bool name="zkConnected">true</bool> <int name="status">400</int> <int name="QTime">0</int> <lst name="params"> <str name="q">resourceName,resourceName</str> <arr name="facet.field"> <str>taxonomyIds</str> <str>resourceType</str> </arr> <str name="start">0</str> <str name="fq">(resourceType:((Resource)))</str> <str name="sort">resourceName,resourceName asc</str> <str name="rows">200</str> <str name="facet">true</str> <str name="wt">xml</str> <str name="version">2.2</str> </lst> </lst> <lst name="error"> <lst name="metadata"> <str name="error-class">org.apache.solr.common.SolrException</str> <str name="root-error-class">org.apache.solr.common.SolrException</str> </lst> <str name="msg">sort param field can't be found: resourceName,resourceName</str> <int name="code">400</int> </lst> </response>
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