Statement from BOT Regarding the Ongoing Discussion Surrounding Representation

Last Updated: Oct 5, 2023

At its August 24, 2023 Pennsylvania Medical Society Board of Trustees Meeting a motion was made to address the perceived representation issue at the House of Delegates:

(MOTION; SECONDED) The Board crafted a proactive statement committing itself to resolving the perceived problem of representation within the House of Delegates, which is inclusive of viewpoints from Component Medical Societies, Specialties, and Sections.

The Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) Board of Trustees (Board) appreciates the passion of its members for our Society. The Board seeks and welcomes to hear the voices of all members. As your elected representatives, we encourage each member to bring forward thoughts and ideas, knowing they will be heard and respected.

As your Board, our goal is to listen to diverse voices and opinions and give thoughtful consideration before taking any action. Our collective goal is to gain consensus among the PAMED membership in all matters through this process. The Board strives to build and maintain authentic relationships with members and member groups, welcomes input, considers the varied voices of membership, and pursues a synergistic approach to advance the issues faced by the House of Medicine today and into the future. 

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