Letter to the PA House of Reps: PCCJR and PAMED Ask for Support on Oberlander Venue Amendment

Last Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Dear Honorable Members of the Pennsylvania House:

You have the opportunity to put an end to abusive venue shopping practices that are occurring as the result of the Supreme Court’s rescission of the medical liability venue rule, which went into effect on January 1 of this year. 

Rep. Donna Oberlander is offering amendment A02184 to HB 1300.  The Pennsylvania Coalition for Civil Justice Reform and the Pennsylvania Medical Society asks for your support.  This amendment delays the renewal of an $11.25 fee to benefit the judiciary until the Supreme Court restores the medical liability venue rule and puts an end to medical malpractice venue shopping in Pennsylvania!

Medical malpractice cases filed in Philadelphia have skyrocketed since venue shopping returned on January 1. As of the end of September, there have been more medical malpractice cases filed in Philadelphia than there were in each of the previous seven years, according to statistics provided by the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.  Many of the cases filed in Philadelphia are the result of health care services delivered elsewhere.  The massive nuclear verdicts coming out of Philadelphia drive up the cost of liability insurance. A crisis is brewing for all medical providers that conduct any business in Philadelphia.

The medical malpractice venue rule was enacted as the result of a collaborative effort between the Governor, legislature, and the Supreme Court to end the medical liability crisis in 2003.  It had worked well in stabilizing the health care liability marketplace until the disruptive action taken unilaterally by the Supreme Court.

Please send a strong message to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that the legislature must have its say in such an important public policy decision.  Returning to the rescinded medical malpractice venue rule will ensure that cases are once again filed where the cause of action arose, as they should be!

The Pennsylvania Coalition for Civil Justice Reform and the Pennsylvania Medical Society asks for your support of Rep Oberlander’s Amendment, A02184, to HB 1300.

Curt Schroder, Pennsylvania Coalition for Civil Justice Reform

Martin Raniowski, Pennsylvania Medical Society

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