The Pennsylvania Medical Political Action Committee (PAMPAC) is the non-partisan political arm of the Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) whose resources are focused largely on helping to elect candidates seeking state legislative office. Established in 1964, PAMPAC is governed by a board of directors appointed by the PAMED Board of Trustees and self-appoints board members “at-large”. However, state law requires PAMPAC to function independent of PAMED.

PAMPAC membership is open to any physician, especially those who recognize the important role “political advocacy” plays in helping to shape public policy. One of the largest non-partisan political action committees in the state, PAMPAC supports pro-medicine candidates that are dedicated to making positive changes that will improve the ability of physicians to appropriately care for their patients. Occasionally, when appropriate, PAMPAC may support individuals seeking statewide office or appellate judicial positions.

PAMPAC makes candidate support decisions based, in part, on the following:

  • Is a candidate receptive to the concerns of their local physicians?
  • Do they welcome the opportunity to meet with physician constituents?
  • Is their campaign platform reflective of feedback from the physician community?

In addition to providing direct candidate support, PAMPAC helps to guide physicians through the intricacies of campaign finance by offering advice on organizing local fundraising events, engaging with legislative candidates, and helping to steer physicians in becoming effective “political” players.

Note: PAMPAC is prohibited from contributing to federal candidates. Pennsylvania state law does not limit personal contributions to political action committees, nor does it place limits on candidate support. Every dollar contributed to PAMPAC is used for direct candidate support.


Make an investment to strengthen medicine.


A Message from PAMPAC’s Chair

Welcome to PAMPAC, the Pennsylvania Medical Society’s (PAMED) Political Action Committee.

I’m excited about PAMPAC’s activities in 2025— we will continue to support worthy legislative candidates and raise awareness about the need to be politically active. We need your participation to ensure that we elect lawmakers who will develop clinically responsible public policy.

PAMPAC was formed in 1964 as a means of helping Pennsylvania’s physicians engage more directly in the political process. Our long history of “sticking with our friends” and not “playing both sides” of a political campaign has contributed to a decades-long reputation at the state capitol that is both respected by first-time candidates and admired by incumbent legislators. This year, I want to continue to build upon what has already been established as the foundation of our organization. 

What I respect most about PAMPAC is its non-partisan affiliation. What does that mean for you? It means that PAMPAC doesn’t focus on supporting Democrats, Republicans, or Independents. Instead, we focus on electing quality candidates who understand and appreciate our concerns about clinical autonomy and quality patient care.

Early in my career, I had little awareness of how much the political process impacts our ability to practice medicine, and even less awareness of the role of campaign finance. That all changed about 10 years ago, when I found myself across the table from my state representative, discussing legislation that would dramatically impact my ability to care for my patients.

The impact of that meeting led me to become fully engaged in working to elect several state legislative candidates in the southeastern part of the state. For me, working behind the scenes afforded a unique opportunity to help guide candidates on substantive health policy. It has been immensely rewarding and meaningful to see firsthand the impact political advocacy can have.

My political path may not be for everyone, but we all have a pathway to make a difference by contributing to PAMPAC. I hope you will join me in continuing our decades-long tradition of political integrity through political action. PAMPAC needs your support to continue to grow stronger every year.

Contribute generously today. 

Thank you.

Ashley Wilkerson, MD, Chair
OB/GYN, Montgomery County

Hear Why These Members Value PAMPAC

Anyone can join PAMPAC!   

or Make checks out to PAMPAC and mail to: 

400 Winding Creek Blvd.
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

2025 PAMPAC Board of Directors

District Directors

Dale Mandel, MD
1st District

Marion Mass, MD
2nd District
(Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton)

Riddhi Shah, MD
3rd District
(Carbon, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Wayne)

Heath Mackley, MD
4th District
(Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Schuylkill, Snyder)

Jaan Sidorov, MD
5th District
(Adams, Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, York)

Lorraine Rosamilia, MD
6th District
(Blair, Centre, Clearfield, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin)

Currently Vacant
7th District
(Clinton, Elk/Cameron, Lycoming, Potter, Lycoming, Union)

Laura Faye Gephart, MD
8th District
(Crawford, Erie, Forest, Mercer, McKean, Warren)

Currently Vacant
9th District
(Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Indiana, Jefferson, Venango)

Currently Vacant
10th District
(Beaver, Lawrence, Westmoreland)

Currently Vacant
11th District
(Bedford, Cambria, Greene, Fayette, Somerset, Washington)

Currently Vacant
12th District
(Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wyoming)

Michael Aziz, MD
13th District

At-Large Directors

Erick Bergquist, MD, PhD
Mark Lopatin, MD
Timothy Pelkowski, MD
Burdett Porter, MD
Ashley Wilkerson, MD

Resident Physician and Medical Student

Eric Balaban, MD
Stacie Kerbel

Community Members

Matthew Balazik
Donna Rovito

PAMPAC Membership Levels

Physicians interested in joining PAMPAC have a choice of the following membership levels:

  • Commonwealth Club—$1,000
  • Capitol Club—$500
  • Keystone Club—$300
  • Sustainer Level—$200

  • Physician Resident or Fellow—$20
  • Medical Student—$20
  • Student/Resident/Fellow Commonwealth Club—$100
  • Student/Resident/Fellow Capitol Club—$50
  • Student/Resident/Fellow Keystone Club—$30
  • Student/Resident/Fellow Sustainer Level—$20

Anyone can join PAMPAC!   

or Make checks out to PAMPAC and mail to: 

400 Winding Creek Blvd.
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

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