MATE Act Training Requirements
Does this new federal training requirement affect me?
All DEA-registered prescribers, with the exception of those that are solely veterinarians, are subject to the new training requirement.
How will I be required to report that I’ve satisfied the new requirement?
Beginning on June 27, 2023, prescribers will be required to check a box on their online DEA registration form, regardless of whether it is an initial application or renewal, affirming they have completed 8 hours of training on safe controlled substance prescribing.
Will PAMED be offering a new 8-hour training course to meet the DEA requirements?
PAMED has entered into an agreement with Clinical Education Alliance to provide training that is specifically designed to meet the new DEA requirements.
The training:
- Is available in multiple formats (online on demand with slides and audio, online on demand with slides and descriptions and downloadable PDF, and live webinars; live in-person training for groups of 100+ people will also be available).
- Includes AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™, AAFP, AANP, and AAPA credit.
- Includes MOC Credit for Board Certification and MIPS Improvement Activity
- The cost of the training varies based on PAMED membership and course format. Click Here for more information.

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How much time do I have to satisfy the new federal training requirement?
Must I complete the training every time I renew my DEA registration?
Are any groups considered to have already satisfied the training requirement?
If I don’t fall into one of the above groups, how can I satisfy the training requirement?
Does the eight hours of training have to occur in one session?
Will training completed prior to the law’s passage count toward the new requirement?
What content must be included in the eight-hour training?
Does PAMED’s current online Opioid courses count towards the new requirement?
Must I maintain documentation that I completed the required training?
Can I count the required training I complete toward state licensure requirements for patient safety/risk management credits?
If I completed training to receive my DATA X-Waiver to prescribe buprenorphine, would that count to the new requirement?
Must the required training be in person?
Will training credits accepted for state licensure count toward the new federal requirement?
Does this new federal requirement replace Pennsylvania’s opioid training requirements imposed by Act 124 of 2016?